01 January 2013

No Good Feelings~

They already get their jobs, but then why easily talking arrogantly to me. I hated that! It seems like I’m the one who is not useful. Don’t you understand that I’m doing my effort too to get the job? I’m very sensitive when people talking about the job. Hish. Tired. Tired. Tired. And I’m tired enough.

You should be praise and grateful to Allah because He gave your REZEKI earlier than me. Don’t you know that I am very stressful? I kept inside all of my feelings toward your words. Keep pushing me to do this and to do that.
Yes. I admitted that I’m not good enough at anything. I felt stress and down. Those feelings always made me crying inside. Whenever I can’t hold into it anymore, the tears just came out! It shows that I’m really angry with the words. But, I really don’t know what to say because people still don’t get it!

Sigh! I’m just writing here so that I can express my feeling. I hope and I pray may Allah give me the job soon. Aamiin. Even I didn’t get it; I will put my own effort to get the other job until I get it! So, I just want to ask, “Are you really good at your work? Or are you really do your work well enough?”.. Or you just open your PC and online Facebook? Or you just are talking nonsense with your friends at the office?

So. People, please. Don’t speak, don’t talk and don’t act like I’m not doing my effort to get the job. Many things happen to me lately. It was started when I sick and being hospitalized, then I have to recover after suffered all those thing! It takes time too.

But, it’s okay. I strongly believe that Allah will answer my wishes one day. To make people understand it is quite impossible, except they have gone through the same situation, then they will understand.

Haissh. Today is 1st of January 2013; I should not start my new year with this kind of emotion. Or maybe I should take it as my motivation for this year, perhaps. Do not give up!

                                    I wish HAPPY NEW YEAR to everybody!

                                                             May Allah bless you all!


  1. Insyaallah kila, masing2 ada rezeki dan bahagian masing2. Jangan peduli apa orang nak kata. Awak je yang tau apa yang awak usaha dan rasa. Kite pun faham sangat mcm mana sedihnya rasa bila orang tanya pasal kerja and bila kawan2 cerita diorang dapat kerja yang bagus2. Bukan dengki, cuma cemburu. Harap Allah jauhkan kita semua dari rasa yang tak elok. Dan semoga Allah lapangkan pintu rezeki kita semua. Go Kila, semoga dapat kerja yang bagus2 dan jadi orang yang hebat2! :D

  2. Aamiin. In Shaa Allah. Time kasih Azu. Tapi itulah, kadang2 stress jugaklah. Sampai kerut2 dahi ni ha.. Nasib baik x kedut2.. huhu. Azu pun good luck jugak dlm mencari kerjaya! All the best to you! Semoga jadi org yg hebat2 jugak! Walaupun dh mmg hebat! Hehe. :D

  3. relek la shakila..aku pun xkeje lagi..hekhekhek... rehat cukup2 dulu.. ternak lemak banyak2 sikit.... nnti pas lemak dah menebal..baru pi cari kerja...

  4. tak boleh nak rileks la shila. huu. aku x biasa duk saje x buat pape. eleh, ko dah keja ape.. cium kang.
